For you to share your magic with the world! 

What magic you ask?  
You know, the spark, the fire that gets lit when you're engaged in doing YOUR thing.  That thing, that way of being, that feels absolutely fucking right, and adds BEAUTY, JOY & FUN to your world!  

If you’re still not sure what I’m talking about... 
That could be because...
1 - For too long you’ve been focusing on what’s hard for you, what you struggle with, what you should do more of.

2 - You may have spent way too much time focusing your energy and attention on other people’s dreams and desires.

3 - And you’ve been ignoring your own spark and joy for so long that you now have a very well established habit of pushing it away!

I see you ...
Doing everything your supposed to do, trying to keep everyone around you happy and using every ounce of energy to keep EVERYTHING running smoothly!

And like trying to hold sand in your hands... sometimes no matter how hard you try, it feels impossible!

Honey that’s because you’re not meant to live every moment of your life for other people! 
I know it might seem that way ...the messages you’ve received most of your life have led you to believe that your happiness is dependent on who you make happy or what you do (perfectly) and I need you to know you’ve been lied to!
We all have!  

And the lies about what makes you worthy and deserving of love and power have made their way into every cell your body; manifesting as thoughts and behaviours like people-pleasing, perfectionism, leaky boundaries, the imposter syndrome and numbing.

And I’m here to remind you of the (beautiful & brilliant) part of you that knows this is BULLSHIT!   

That empty feeling that creeps in when you “unappreciated”, that anger and resentment that you “shamefully” direct at people you love...that ache for something more when you “should be happy with what you’ve got” all comes from the lies you’ve been led to believe!  

My job is to help YOU to believe in YOU again!

Here’s the thing…
I know it's in you...YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE A SPARK…an activity, a thing, a way of being that is absolute MAGIC! If you don't believe me, ask the people who love you the most, they've experienced it, and are desperate for more!  

If you need help...I am 100% your person! 
I am one of the lucky ones who can see your awesomeness even when you can’t! I have this infinite capacity to see new and brilliant paths for you to take, and in as little as 3 hours, I can offer you the clarity you need to embrace what makes you unique, special and authentically happy!  

Trust me... 
That spark is not going to light itself…it may flicker and give a glimpse of what’s possible and I want you to reclaim your power and light that bitch yourself!  

Are you ready to say YES to YOU!?!


Sign up for this 3 hour intuitive, inspiring & informative opportunity
This package includes UNLIMITED digital correspondence & full access to all Hot Mess to Awesomeness Workshops

The BEST thing about this offer...
You can fully customize your 3 hours!

Choose any of these options...
1 - Do a 3 hour DEEP DIVE into your awesomeness and walk away with the knowledge and clarity you need to breakthrough the habits that are holding you back!
2 - Split your 3 hours up into 2 or 3 sessions over a month or two and get ongoing support as you launch into the next amazing chapter of your life!
3 -Break the 3 hours up into 9 twenty-minute Velocity Calls and get all the inspiration, perspective shifts and knowledge bombs you need to help you deal with the ongoing hot messes of life!
Together we'll choose the option that is right for you!

You've Got This + I've Got You!

Ignite Your Awesomeness

$1017 CAD

  • (tax included)

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If before you commit to anything you need to find out which coaching program or inspirational offering is the right fit then book a free Spark Session (coaching call) and get the clarity you need to make the decision to move forward with building the habit of putting you 1st!
Together we'll figure out your next step!